Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Ji (पंडित सुन्दरलाल शर्मा जी)

Pandit Sundarlal Sharma was born 21st December 1881 at “Chamshur” small village near Rajim district Raipur He was among the fore fronts of freedom fighter who stood for social justice, equality and non-violence. He founded “Smitra Mandal” at his birthplace for the sell of indigenous goods. He was instrumental in founding of political council at Dhamtari in 1918 and he was responsible for organizing district level conference in 1919. In 1921 Mahatma Gandhi came to Raipur the credit for bring him to Chhattisgarh goes to Shri Sundarlal Sharma. In 1929 he started ‘Canal SatyaGrah’ in the village kandel. He rendered important contribution in developing political awareness in Chhattisgarh region. He was deeply influence by Mahatma Gandhi's prgramme of alleviating the plight of the untouchables and it remained a life long aim of Pandit Sharma. He got an ashram and girls school establish for the upliftment of the ‘Harijans’. Home for orphan at is the result of Pt. Sharma inspiration. Gandhi Ji called Pt. Sharma as a political master and thus honored the soil of Chhattisgarh. The motto of Pt. Sharma’s life was “Do not move away from truth in life or death”. The same motto later on became Gandhi ji’s famous slogan “Do or Die”. From early child hood Pt. Sharma was interested in languages and literatures and was keen to acquire knowledge and proficiency in them. He was particularly very found of poetry and tried his hand in poetry writing, as early as at the age of thirteenth. Owing to his learning and knowledge of various languages and literatures, he achieved a prominent place among the scholars of Rajim and surrounding region by the time he reached the age of twenty. Being a sensitive person he was very much influence by the political and social conditions of the period, and was deeply affected by the plight of the people. As a result he entered politics and became an active member of the freedom movement, whereby he had occasion to represent the erstwhile state of Madhya Pradesh at the national level. He soon came into contact with the topmost leaders of the period such as Gandhi Ji himself, Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya, Lala Lajpat Rai, and others with whom he established long-lasting acquaintances. Pt. Sharma remained in the fore front of freedom movearma remained in the fore front of freedom move Apart from being in politics, he was also a social reformers and social evils like casteism, untouchability and economic exploitation always haunted him and to over come these he advised people to follow the path shown by Gandhi Ji. For providing economic and social status to the backward classes, he always put his hand forth. He was a courageous man and great freedom fighter. His arrest in 1921-22 is considered as the first arrest in Chhattisgarh pertaining to freedom movement in so far as Chhattishgarh region was concerned ,and played a very important role during Mahatma Gandhi`s visit Chhattisgarh in the nineteen twenties. He died in 1940 leaving behind a legacy of dedicated patriotic fervor and social activism. For his unique contribution to society he is regarded as ‘Ghandhi of Chhattisgarh’. As a mark of respect and gratitude to this great son of the soil this university has been named after him as it humbly puts itself to the task of propagating his message and teachings, cherishing the values and principles he stood for, with a view to create a society where social evils as untochchability, injustice are a thing of the past.